Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hair for the Hard Working Professional

You can always tell what time I woke up by my hair:
-6:00am: curled Charlie’s Angels hair (done by hand with a curling iron)
-6:30am: straight flat ironed hair or a nice blow out
-7:00am:  some kind of wet updo
-7:30am: a salvaged-1-day-old updo
I always try to have great hair, because dressing for the role you want also includes your hair. So with that, here are a few ideas to help:
To get Business Trendy for the girls waking up between 7 and 8, I love a bun!  My favorite bun tool is the Spin Pin by Goody:
I  use 3 Spin Pins, over the recommended 2 and sometimes I use an extra bobby pin to tuck in a lose end, but overall they are great!  They take practice, but once you’ve got it down, you won’t leave home without them.  They really hold hair tight and create a chic bun.  Also, try sprucing up an up-do with a simple side swooping French braid.  You can braid it back into a bun.  This works great if you have some unruly hair at the part in the morning.
Now with that said, don’t go crazy, because fancy hair closely borders on Business Risqué.  Remember, if it looks like a Prom-Do you’ve gone too far.   Also, on the Business Risqué side is wet hair which is not tied back.   Letting your hair air dry in the office shows sloppiness, so try putting it up in a bun, and then letting it down when it’s 75% dry for a nice wave.
Any other hair tips for the working gal?

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